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Product Details
- Brand: 1C
- Model: 40331on - Free Demo
- ESRB Rating: Mature
- Platforms: Windows Vista, Windows XP
- Format: Download
Editorial Reviews
From the Manufacturer
NecroVision - Free DemoThe year is 1916. Young American joins UK Army to experience an adventure of his life and soon realizes that greater evil is hiding beneath the Great War storm. He has to face the underground world of vampires, demons, evil genius creatures and even become one of the demons to rescue the human and vampire kind from forces of darkness. NecroVisioN is a next-gen First Person Shooter taking place in a variety of locations from battlefields of World War I to much darker and brutal underground world of vampires and demons. Sceneries range from realistic to dream-like, opponents from enemy troops to fantasy creatures – old fashion look and style of the game is going to remind the world setting from the Lovecraft's horrors and seamlessly mix the war shooter elements into it. Player will fight enemies using environments, powerful and evil artifacts, vampire technology, and authentic WWI era weapons.System Requirements
Customer Reviews
Most helpful customer reviews
I was plesently suprised by this It gave me the old quake and doom feel none of that narrow hallway, military Co-Op , gone to mars B.S. just you VS. Hell with guns and a storyline.
2 of 6 people found the following review helpful.
oh look... another "Germans are evil" video game... zzzzzzzz
By Raetsel I uninstalled this pretty quickly. It reminded me a bit of Painkiller (which is its only redeeming quality), but was so clunky that even its slight resemblance to that was killed. And then, as the title of my review stated, it's another "evil Germans" game... which I've had more than enough of. If you're going to try to pull this off, at least get some real Germans to translate and narrate as the horrid fake accents and grammar issues are pretty laughable. I wouldn't even play this for free, honestly. Better off to go back about 10 years before this game and play... well any game from back then... to have better control, just as good graphics and much more fun. Oh... it had some decent music on the initial screens, but it also sounded awfully familiar...
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